Thursday, April 14, 2016

How to Make Money Creating a Content Filled Website

How to Make Money Creating a Content Filled Website

Are you looking for a relatively easy way to make money writing articles?  If so, you should consider developing your own content filled website.  Despite popular misconceptions, you do not need a product to sell to make money online.  Instead, you can offer information.  This information generates income by way of advertisements.  Since many people use the internet to research, whether it be for a school project or for advice, there is a lot of moneymaking potential.

The first step in creating a content filled website is to create a plan.  What do you want your website niche or theme to be?  While it is important to choose a topic that is profitable or at least in demand, you will want to consider your likes and dislikes.  You will find it easier to make money and write articles on a topic that you feel passionate about.

Next, you will want to brainstorm.  Envision your website, such as how it is organized or what articles you want to have posted.  You should create an outline of the topics you want to cover.  For example, if your website has a prom fashion theme, do you want to have separate sections for hair, dresses, and makeup?  What specific articles do you want to write?  Typically, you should have one article per page.

Speaking of those articles, you may want to create a short outline for each article. What do you want to tell your readers about?  In keeping with prom fashions, you can write an article that shares tips for prom dress shopping online.  Points that you may want to cover could include checking size charts, looking for free or discounted shipping, or tips for comparing prices. An outline can help you stay focused.

Next, it is time to start writing your articles.  When doing so, you want to get your point across, but don’t ramble or make them longer than needed.  Of course, it is important to inform your readers, but you may want to leave your articles with an open ending.  Your readers will want to be well-informed, but you also want to leave them looking for a little bit more.  This is what will result in clicks for your advertisements.

Proofread your articles and then proofread them again.  Even if you have access to spell check and grammar check, there are no guarantees that these are right.  As for why proofreading is important, an error free website will stand apart from the competition.

Once you have finished writing all of your articles or at least started writing them, purchase web-hosting and a domain name.  This, however, is when you may start to worry.  If you are unfamiliar with HTML, you can still make money with your articles.  Look for web-hosting companies that give you access to free website building programs.

Once your web-hosting account is up and running, decide on a design or theme.  This is easy if you are using a website building program, as they are laid out for you to choose from.  When making your choice, remember that “cool,” isn’t always the best approach to take.  Your website should be professional, attractive on the eyes, and easy to read.

As previously stated, your content filled website can make money through advertisements.  Get started with Google AdSense.  You are paid for each click your advertisements receive.  As long as you have quality and unique content on your site and it is not adult in nature, you should be approved.  If you are denied, review their terms of service to make the necessary adjustments.  Add the advertisements to your website.  Do not worry, doing so is easy and explained in a step-by-step process.

You can also use affiliate programs as a way to make money.  When your website is approved, you place catchy banners on your website.  To make the most money, apply to programs that are in line with your website.  In keeping with prom fashions, display advertisements for prom dresses, beauty products and so forth.  Depending on the program in question, you should receive a percentage of each sale you help to generate.

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